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Nia Bailey Books

Spark the Passion in Others:
Encouraging Exploration, Dreaming, and Creation

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Featured Book

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Letters to my Younger Self

In this heartfelt and empowering children's book, Letters to My Younger Self seeks to inspire and uplift readers of all ages. 

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About Nia Bailey Books

At Nia Bailey's Books, we believe in the power of love and its ability to bring people together. We strive to create a welcoming and inclusive environment where everyone feels accepted and valued. Our goal is to foster a sense of community and promote understanding and empathy among the community.


We are inspired by the biblical passage from 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, which beautifully describes the qualities of love. We aim to embody these qualities in our interactions with others and in the way we conduct our business. Love, as described in this passage, is patient, kind, humble, and selfless. It does not judge or seek its own interests but instead rejoices in truth and bears all things.


“Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.”

‭‭I Corinthians‬ ‭13‬:‭4‬-‭8 NKJV‬‬


We encourage open and respectful dialogue, where different perspectives and ideas can be shared and appreciated. We believe that through literature and storytelling, we can learn about and empathize with the experiences of others, fostering a greater sense of love and compassion.


We invite you to join us at Nia Bailey's Books, where we celebrate the power of love and the importance of embracing our neighbors. Together, we can create a space where everyone feels seen, heard, and loved.​

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About Dr. Nia Imani Bailey

Nia Bailey

Dr. Nia Imani Bailey, a 30-year-old West Philadelphia native, is a remarkable individual with a diverse range of talents and accomplishments. She is an experienced motivational speaker, activist, breast cancer advocate, writer, author, director, executive director, and a woman of God. In addition to her many roles, Dr. Bailey has been employed as a Radiation Therapist for the past nine years.


In December 2020, Dr. Bailey achieved a significant milestone by earning her doctoral degree in Public Administration from West Chester University in West Chester, Pennsylvania. Her dissertation, titled "Federal Health Reform: Breast Cancer Outcomes," focused on the challenges young women face in receiving timely breast cancer diagnoses and the impact of healthcare regulations and guidelines on their outcomes. Dr. Bailey's research aimed to demonstrate the importance of lowering the mammography age from 40 to 30 years old and examined policy frameworks for screening mammograms and insurance coverage.


Driven by her passion for healthcare reform and breast cancer awareness, Dr. Bailey has dedicated her life's mission to advocating for change and educating the community. She created, wrote, and directed "A Letter to My Sisters: A Breast Cancer Documentary for Young Women," a powerful film that provides insight into the journey of young women facing breast cancer diagnoses and navigating life itself.


In addition to her advocacy work, Dr. Bailey founded a nonprofit organization called Agape–Finding Your Purpose, Incorporating Your Faith. The organization's mission is to feed, clothe, and fellowship with the homeless men and women of the Logan Square section of Philadelphia, with the ultimate goal of eradicating homelessness everywhere.


Furthermore, Dr. Bailey is the author of an interactive children's book titled "Love Thy Neighbor." This heartwarming book follows a young girl on a mission to feed, clothe, and fellowship with homeless people, emphasizing the importance of compassion and community engagement.


Dr. Nia Imani Bailey's accomplishments and dedication to making a difference in the lives of others are truly inspiring. Through her work as a motivational speaker, activist, breast cancer advocate, writer, director, and executive director, she continues to impact her community and beyond. With her unwavering faith and commitment to social change, Dr. Bailey serves as a beacon of hope and a catalyst for positive transformation.


In summary, Dr. Nia Imani Bailey is a multifaceted individual who has made significant contributions in the fields of healthcare reform, breast cancer advocacy, and community service. Her work as a motivational speaker, writer, director, and executive director reflects her passion for making a difference and inspiring others. Dr. Bailey continues touching many lives through her nonprofit organization, documentary, and children's book, spreading love, compassion, and awareness in her community and beyond.

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Meet Nia Bailey

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